Additionally, we had "in-situ" sensors stay in the snowpack for the entire winter season. These "thermistor arrays" had temperature sensors spaced every 10 centimeters, between 0.4m and 1.6m.
In Labs 4, we will work with data collected by both methods.
Check out Eli Schwat’s github repo on altair plotting of our datasets. It makes some of the homework plots, particularly from Module 6, much more tidy.
In Lab4-1, we plotted vertical profiles of snowpack temperature on multiple, sequential days. Replicate these plots for all days from the first half of April (April 1–15). Find 4-5 days during this period where some significant behavior in the snowpack temperatures changes. Isolate the plots to only these 3-5 days. What is going on here? Why are the snowpack temperatures acting the way they are? Note: Please do not include plots for 15 days in your homework. Once you have found the "interesting behavior", only include plots that show these 3-5 days.
In Lab 4-2, we estimated the "change in snowpack internal energy" term by using an estimate of constant snowpack density. In Lab 4-3, we examined actual measurements of snow density from snowpits. In Lab 2-3, we examined estimates of snow density from snow-pillow SWE and snow depth measurements. Combining your knowledge from these labs, complete the following steps:
According to your answer to Problem 2D, do you think that snow pit measurements of density will help "close" the snowpack energy balance, relative to estimates of density from snow pillows and snow depth senosrs (by close, I mean decrease the "residual" observed in the energy balance, as shown at the end of Lab 4-2). If someone is trying to "close" the snowpack energy balance, do you think that acquiring snow-pit measurements of snow density should be a high priority?
In Week 2, we discussed how kinetic growth of crystals occurs when the within-snowpack temperature gradient exceeds 0.2˚C/cm. When this occurs, depth hoar is likely to grow. Using the two days of snow pit temperature profiles examined in Lab 4-3, estimate, by eye, the maximum temperature gradient observed in the snow pit, and report your estimate. If kinetic growth of crystals favored on either day? Where does the maximum temperature gradient occur?
In Lab 4-1, we first plotted a time series of temperatures measured by all the thermistors on tower d for February 15 - 18. Based on the behavior of the temperatures, can you determine which of the thermistors is above the snow surface and which is below the surface? Estimate the snow depth based on those plots, and explain how you came to this conclusion.