The course website ( is hosted on GitHub Pages as a repository under the Mountain-Hydrology-Research-Group github organization, here. It is organized and formatted with the jekyll-rtd-theme built on top of the framework. See the jekyll-rtd-theme documentation for information on formatting and webpage layout.
Each webpage is created from a markdown (.md) file, which is a plain text file where formatting is specified in the markdown syntax. Page organization is controlled by nesting directories containing special files that contain some formatting information, and by creating special headers within a document such as ## My Document Subsection Name
In your cloned respository, in the top level snow-hydrology/
directory, you can find a
file (the home page of the website), and several subdirectories. Each subdirectory below here that is used for website organization needs to have a special README file with formatting information (these are already present for the existing subdirectories).
, contains syllabus and project pages ("a" and "b" in the filenames are used here to sort the pages alphabetically)snow-hydrology/modules
, each module/lab corresponds roughly to one week of the quarter. The
files create the main page for each module with the lab and homework assignment text, while the lab#/
folder corresponding to that modules contains the jupyter notebook files. The data/
folder contains any data files for labs or homeworks.snow-hydrology/resources
, jupyter and python documentation and links to other websites of interest to students learning hydrology, statistics, and programmingsnow-hydrology/images
folder containing any images to embed on the websiteWorking with your fork of the repository that you've cloned, you can directly edit any of the markdown (.md) files in any text editor. If you are working on the JupyterHub, the lab jupyter notebooks can be opened and edited directly from the hub. If you are working on your own computer, you will need to launch your own instance of jupyter notebook then open the notebook files to edit. Besides the webpage markdown (.md) files and jupyter notebook (.ipynb) files, there are data files (primarily csv or excel files) for homework and lab activities within the snow-hydrology/modules/data
When you've made the changes you want, commit and push the modified files to your fork of the respository. Then open a pull request from the upstream repository to pull the changes made in your fork. After merging the pull request, the changes will appear on the class website within a few minutes as the page is re-built from the new files.
Note that github security requires you to create an authentication token. You can find step-by-step instructions on how to do that here.
Also note that if you are cloning this class to teach somewhere other than at UW, you will need to set up your own website and not modify the UW class website, but you can establish similar github workflows to those used here for your class and website.
channel for TAs, IT staff#it_help
channel for students to get help with Jupyter issues#project
channel for discussion of student projects (will see more activity later in quarter)#general
channel so only admins and specific users can post announcements#general
channel, post a new welcome message and create a quick-reference list of links to the various resources that will be used throughout the course (Jupyterhub url, Github Organization url, etc.). Example:
Welcome to the Snow Hydrology - Spring 2023 Slack Workspace We will be using Slack for most day-to-day communications, and for you all to collaborate on labs, homework assignments, and (for graduate students) projects. There is a channel for each weekly module for discussions about each lab and assignment, a channel for initiating discussion around #projects, a #general channel for announcements and general discussions, and an #it_help channel for trying to resolve issues with JupyterHub or other IT issues. Please edit your Slack profile, add a picture, add your preferred name and pronouns as your "Display Name", and your time zone. Please bookmark these pages for easy access:
- Class website: (contains the syllabus, labs, homework assignments, links to other resources)
- UW Canvas: (for turning in assignments, grades, extra reading resources)
- JupyterHub: INSERT appropriate link here (the computing environment we'll be using for labs, homework, projects, instructions for getting started are here)
- Slack Workspace: (for communication, questions, collaboration)
Thank you to David Shean for providing course organization ideas and help from this guide.