Course Project: CEE 348

Due as a 3-5 minute video presentation during the Final Exam slot, 6/3, 10:30-12:20

Milestones will be due as part of weekly homework assignments. Completing each milestone on time will give you credit towards that week's homework assignment.

  • As part of homework 2 (due 4/11), you need to rank from 1 to 10, your top choices of topics for your video, from the topic list below. We will have a different person on each topic. I will strive to get everyone as close to their top choice as possible and will announce your topic on 4/21.
  • As part of homework 5 (due 5/2), you will need a one-page storyboard (sketches and outline) of what you plan to present in your video – what will you cover and how you plan to present it. [Note that people responsible for later topics in the quarter should reach out to the professor for advance access to the material.]
  • As part of homework 6 (due 5/9), you will need to provide feedback to two other people about what you think of their storyboard ideas.
  • As part of homework 8 (due 5/23), you will need to provide a revised storyboard, as well as an update on how video recording and/or prepping is progressing.
  • Final prep for final exam day(6/2), upload or provide link to your video – realize that sometimes this can be slow and take overnight, so have your video finished the day before you want to present it.
  • Final exam (6/3), present your video to the class.

Topic List for your Videos…

  1. Atmospheric stability (inversions)
  2. Atmospheric winds (dynamics)
  3. Moisture in the atmosphere (e.g., thermodynamics, fog, clouds)
  4. Orographic precipitation
  5. Atmospheric pollution (gaussian plume solution to advection/dispersion from a smokestack)
  6. Atmospheric pollution (airshed box model)
  7. Watershed delineation
  8. Water balance
  9. Calculating total precipitation over a watershed
  10. Determining peak runoff (unit hydrograph or rational method)
  11. Evaporation
  12. Flood frequency
  13. Groundwater – Darcy's Law
  14. Groundwater – Flow Nets
  15. Groundwater – contaminant transport
  16. Measuring and calculating river discharge
  17. River velocities and flow resistance (bed friction
  18. Momentum balance in a river channel
  19. Predicting the concentration of a pollutant in a river
  20. Shear flow dispersion
  21. Seaward and landward flow speeds in an estuary
  22. Mixing in an estuary

Grading Rubic


(30 points; will account for 15% of total grade)

A powerpoint-type presentation, like you would expect at a conference, 10 minutes in length, with an additional 5 minutes for questions. Your classmates are your audience. Present your question, why it is important, what methods you employed to answer the question, your major results, and the implications of your results. For pairs, both project partners will present together.

  • Clarity of Overall Presentation (10 points)
    • Clear statement of the problem
    • Clear explanations of what you did, easy to follow
    • Good transitions from one section to the next
    • Ability to answer questions raised by audience
  • Quality of Visual Aids/Graphics (10 points)
    • All graphics easy to see, properly labeled, large enough font
    • Correct limits on plot axes to show relevant information
    • Proper choice of type of graph to convey information
    • Interest level – slides nice/interesting to engage audience
  • Technical Analysis and Discussion (10 points)
    • Proper methods applied
    • Accuracy of results
    • Explanation of why results are what they are
    • Ability to relate results to other studies and other presentations in the class