8) Review

Lab 8:

For this lab, we will review class material and look at upcoming Environmental Engineering events, like the EIT. Your homework is to complete the lab worksheet from module 7 and revise your final video plan.

Homework 8, Problem 1: Mixing and Dilution in Rivers

Complete the Dye Dilution Lab Worksheet introduced in Module 7 Mixing and Dilution Worksheet

Homework 8, Problem 2: The Fischer River

The Fischer River has a channel bed slope of S=5×10-5, depth of H=1.5 m, width of 20 m and a bed consisting of 1 cm pebbles, with a Manning's n of 0.03. A contaminant is introduced at the bottom of the river in the center of the channel. In this problem, assume that the flow is uniform. Determine:

  • The shear velocity, u*
  • The depth averaged velocity U using the Manning equation.
  • The distance downstream where the contaminant concentration can be assumed to be well-mixed in the vertical. As in the class example, assume well-mixed conditions occur when h=2.5σ, where σ is the standard deviation of the concentration distribution. Use the u* and U values from a and b.
  • The distance downstream where the contaminant concentration can be assumed to be well-mixed across the channel. Remember that it starts in the middle of the channel, so this is the distance traveled downstream during the time it takes to reach one edge. Use the higher value of the transverse turbulent diffusion coefficient from the notes, as this is more accurate for natural streams.

Homework 8, Problem 3: Revised Storyboard

Based on the peer feedback you got on Homework 6, please revise your storyboard and submit here. Also, please include an update on how video recording and/or prepping is progressing.