- (a) Calculate the environmental lapse rate
- (b) What type of atmospheric stability does the sounding indicate?
- (c) What is the relative humidity of the air parcel at 0 m before rising?
- (d) As the air parcel rises, at approximately what elevation would condensation begin and a cloud start to form?
- (e) What is the air temperature and dew point of the rising air at the base of the cloud?
- (f) What is the air temperature and dew point of the rising air inside the cloud at an elevation of 3000m?
- (g) At an altitude of 3000m, how does the air temperature inside the cloud compare with the temperature outside the cloud? What type of atmospheric stability does this suggest?
- (h) Presume that at 3000m, the parcel has reached the top of the mountain, and rained/snowed enough to become a dry air parcel again. At what lapse rate will the parcel descend to the east of the mountains?
- (i) What temperature do you expect this air to be when it reaches 1000m on the eastern side?
Problem 3 (option 2: choose this if you want to use python)
Using the jupyterhub, and building off what we learned in lab 2-3, look at the environmental temperature and relative humidity data from the sounding launched in Gothic, Colorado on January 6, 2022.
- (a) Calculate the environmental lapse rate
- (b) Assuming the lowest level of the sounding represents the surface temperature and relative humidity, plot the temperature a dry air parcel would have if it were lifted adibatically from that point
- (c) What is the dew point temperature of the parcel at the surface?
- (d) Assuming that the dew point temperature decreases with elevation at a rate of 2 K/km (2°C/km), at what elevation would estimate that a cloud would form? (Hint: Plot this line on your graph from Td at the surface with the dry adiabat plotted from T at the surface.)
- (e) How does this height compare with the base height where a cloud seems to exist in this sounding?
- (f) How do both of these compare with the base height as estimated from the plot from the ceilometer in the lab?
- (g) At a height of 5000 m, how does the air temperature estimated from your rising parcel of air compare to the observed air temperature? What type of atmospheric stability does this suggest?
Problem 4
What is the definition of an inversion, and how does it relate to atmospheric stability? Draw a graph of environmental temperature vs height that is conditionally unstable near the surface but has a strong inversion at a height of 1000 m. Explain how a non-reactive pollutant released at the surface would mix within this atmosphere for case (a) where the surface is very dry and case (b) where the surface is near saturated (close to 100% relative humidity).
Problem 5: Final Presentation Topic Selection
Look at the list of topics here. Write a ranked list (from 1st choice to 10th choice) of your preference for topics. If you only have strong preferences for 5, it's okay to rank from 1st to 5th (but please include at least 5). If you have questions about the project or the topics, please talk to the instructor.